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Fondation Moises Bertoni & Mbaracayu Lodge

Prócer Carlos Argüello N ° 208 between Avda. Mariscal López and Avda. Guido Boggiani.

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Tourisme durable, respectueux de l'environnement naturel, culturel, social et des valeurs d'une communauté.

Commitments in sustainable tourism

This professional is proposed by a traveller, it is published by Flockeo on the basis of the information collected on its site.
However, as the establishment has not been claimed, Flockeo could not proceed with its owner to verify the validity of its approach.

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Mbaracayú Lodge is a hotel located in the Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve and managed by the Moisés Bertoni Foundation. The lodge invites you to relax and enjoy a unique experience that respects the environment, the communities and the local culture. The lodge is also a professional practice area for students from the Mbaracayú Educational Centre, where they learn all about hospitality and tourism.


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