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Hostal El Albergue de León

Gasolinera petronic 40 metros abajo
3ra calle NE casa 305 Barrio San Juan Parada de bus en gasolinera petronic media cuadra al oeste
21000 Leon

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Short summary

Hostal El Albergue de León est une maison véritablement nicaraguayenne où nous vous offrons une immersion totale dans la culture du Nicaragua.

Commitments in sustainable tourism

This professional is proposed by a traveller, it is published by Flockeo on the basis of the information collected on its site.
However, as the establishment has not been claimed, Flockeo could not proceed with its owner to verify the validity of its approach.

Claim this establishment
Flower Dots

Flockeo Edito

This hostel is a good place to stay if you're looking for peace and quiet and a friendly atmosphere. Very well located, with lots of information about the city and the cultural and tourist sites to visit.


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