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Languages : Francaise et Anglais langues Indiennes

Short summary

I am passionate about the culture of the destinations I propose, I like to share, to discover the crafts of the countries: India-Sri Lanka-Nepal-Bhutan-Madgascar-Vietnam-Cabodia and Laos-Uzbekistan. Encourage cooperatives - women's organisations to make them more autonomous and independent in society. Human values are most important during travel.

Commitments in sustainable tourism

We organize stays in collaboration with local actors of the country.

They select eco solidarity establishments - associated with local NGOs to develop micro projects :

→ To make women economically independent, for orphanages with craftsmen to preserve their arts and protect the fauna and flora in the region.
→ To pass on the knowledge of good environmental practices..." to develop water reserves or plant trees or participate in medical care.
→ We always hire local guides in all countries - India and South East Asia - Madagascar - Mauritius

We are a fast reacting team, flexible in operation. All decisions are made to satisfy the needs of our travelers. Transparency in our prices and quality of service without compromise. We are always listening to improve our service, and offering activities

More details

Our agency is based in France since 2007, specialised in tailor-made trips.
Our team and collaborators in each country are professionals and close to the field.
We select eco-friendly accommodation that respects the environment, traditional or homestay accommodation.
We take the time to understand our travelers before preparing or proposing a trip and we accompany the traveler in the conception of his journey.
We follow him during the trip and on the return.

Our prices

The price of our excursions or stay per night per person range between 65€ to 125€.

Our main strenghts

  • A dynamic team
  • Activities on Nature
  • An exceptional location
  • Authentic people
  • Cultural activities
  • Customized experiences
  • Environmental protection
  • Wildlife encounter

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